Thursday, September 27, 2007

Last day in Europe!

Well, we are back in Frankfurt for our last day in Europe. It's raining, but tranquil so it's likely that we'll just mull about town a bit and relax. In some ways it's hard to believe our stay is at it's end; but in other ways it seems like we've been here forever.

An amazing stay for sure, we still need time to let it all sink in. No doubt it will take a few weeks of sifting through all of the experiences, photos, souveniers and memories until we can see the big picture!!!

See you back in the states!


Sandra Hildreth Ball said...

I'm most interested in your trip to Meisterdorf. My glass engraver ancestor (who lived in Corning) is also from Meisterdorf. I'm trying to find out more about the glass engraving in the area of Meisterdorf. In what town is the glass musuem?
Who is your ancestor? Mine is Augustus Haselbauer (his brothers Ignaz and Joseph) engraved at Corning, also.
Anyway, I would be most appreciative of any other info about your Meisterdorf trip--thanks

RG Rountree said...

Ich Auch...

I am also related to the Haselbauer family from the Corning area. My grandmother was Iona ROUNTREE nee Haselbauer and her family were also glass engravers...