Saturday, September 8, 2007

Frankfurt and on to Czech

Travel day. We bebopped around Frankfurt in the morning, checking out some of the old churches and getting last minute souvenirs, then got our rental car and headed out of town.


The Autobahn was relatively unimpressive on the A5/A4, it seemed like it was under continuous construction - but only on our East-bound side. It was 160kmph :^) on the open stretches, then a dismal 50kmph though the numerous construction zones :^( so it took a lot longer than we had anticipated. We had a chuckle at every exit because the German sign for exit is "Ausfarht" so you can imagine the conversation/accusation that ensued...


We pulled of at Jena for some shopping and a snack, then back on the Autobahn to Czechloslovakia. After the border crossing we pulled off to top up the petrol - what a fiasco this turned out to be. There were about six of us jibber-jabbering in our native tounges; and this was getting us nowhere. Eventually, through miming and kindergarten pictures, we managed to work it out and get some gas. By the time we rolled up to our hotel in Česká Kaminice, around 10:00PM, the reception was closed! I jotted down the after hours telephone number and went into the hotel restaurant to try and get some help. I befriended a rather drunk fellow who was more than happy to help this lost American. We walked around (really, I was just following this guy) asking what to do. Someone called the after hours telephone, no answer. Now what? My friend runs across the street to check at the penzione (hostel) - it's closed also. It all boiled down to bad news - there was nowhere to stay tonight in Česká Kaminice; and our best bet would be to turn around and go back to Děčín, there would be hotels available there. So off we drove, back into the night. The only reasonably good thing about this is that I knew where we were going this time!

We pulled into Děčín and got a room in the second hotel we tried - the Česká Koruna. It turned out to be a really nice hotel, so we abandoned our plans for Česká Kaminice and decided to stay here in Děčín.

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